For 51 years, The Houston Area Urban League (Urban League) has been a voice for the poor and disadvantaged empowering this sector with economic development, leadership and humanitarianism, community service and a steadfast commitment to developing our youth.
On June 15, 2019, the Urban League will celebrate its 51th Annual Equal Opportunity Day Gala (EOD) This year, our theme is “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now…Celebrating and Honoring Trailblazing Women” We will recognize extraordinary achievements of women leaders and pay homage to their business excellence, civic engagement, courage and perseverance, at the Hilton Americas Hotel. The EOD Gala is the Urban League’s primary fundraiser. It helps raise the necessary funding for the organization and its many programs and services.
As part of the many planned activities there will be a raffle. Tickets are $50 each or six for $250 (click here to purchase tickets). You may purchase tickets for the specific raffle package that you are interested in. There are six packages to choose from. You do not have to be present to win.